
and weighing about 94 lbs. I only wish that I had some of that diminutiveness today. I continued to indulge in femme-dress all through my high school years whenever the impulse and opportunity presented themselves' I re call one instance when in high school, one of my mus- ician friends mentioned to me that I had such pretty fea tures, I should have been a girl. (Little did they know)

At the age of 18 and 19 I do not recall having any urges to dress; but at the age of 20 in April 1951, I had occasion to take a short trip (one day) to Washington D. C., for music purposes and on the return trip I found that I had a surplus of a few dollars and so upon my ar- rival back in New York City, I made my first purc' ases of femme- apparel which I took home and wore secretly for a few weeks, and then destroyed A few months later, in October 1951, a friend Ray mentioned that there was a ball coming up on halloween, and since in his opinion, I would look very well dressed as a girl, wh not go as one. I replied somewhat hesitatingly at first but then grew more and more enthusiastic and excited by it. We enlisted the aid of a mutual girl friend, Myn who was not quite so enthusiastic about it, but decided to string along anyway. For me, the ball was a great success as I received many compliments on my appearanc from all directions including that of the promoter, Phil Black. As a result of that party, I received another in- vitation to a party to be held on November 10, 1951. I recall that I finished dressing too early to leave for the party, and so I suggested that we three take a drive a- round the town in Ray's car. We did that and while we were driving a button came off the coat I was wearing and I asked Ray to pick up a needle and thread for me in a store, which he did. We then went to another ac- quaintance's apartment where I was introduced as Ginny and completely accepted as a somewhat attractive, if not, a little tall, girl. While at this apartment I pro- ceeded to sew the button back on the coat and while doing so, two more mutual friends arrived who knew my rather gruff and masculine alterego. They had no idea of who I was other than the girl that they saw and acce- pied as such until Ray, Myra, and I were about to leave and they were told point blank who I was Once again the reaction was one of amazement, suprise and enthusi astic compliments on my appearance. Myra Ray, and I